井堂雅夫 MASAO IDO (1945-2016)

Masao Ido led a life devoted to the preservation and promotion of traditional Japanese artisan printmaking & textile crafts. Initially trained under 吉田光甫 Koho Yoshida as a textile-dyer before inspired by the works of 斎藤清 Kiyoshi Saito (1907-1997) to study under 大坪重周 Shigechika Ohtsubo as a woodblock print artist; Masao Ido fuses the beauty of Kyoto’s rich culture with his profound connection to the natural world. Creating delicate scenes brimming with rich greenery & seasonal shades, Ido’s distinct style is embodied by a signature "Ido Green" colour palette & dabbled goma-zuri textures.

Gallery Gado (ギャラリー雅堂) - Dedicated to the works of Masao Ido, printmaking, & traditional craftsmanship.